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installing the runtime system

  • MYM - 2018-01-04


    I have a problem when installing the new 3.5.12 raspberry pi codesys control via the package manager to the development environment. I click the install and select the package.manifest file but during installation I get an error and installation stops. in previous versions there were files with .package extensions but now there is only the zip files for download in the store.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-01-04

    I would recommend to do it here:


    IMG: CODESYSPackageInstall.jpg

  • MYM - 2018-01-04

    Strange but it worked. I have two versions of development platform on my pc which are v3.5.10 and 3.5.12. And I have runtime for raspberry installed for both versions. Do they use the same folders (C:\Users\lenovo\CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI\ for installation on my pc? Any possibility of overwriting of the folders during installation process?



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