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Oscat Netlib IP_Config SysSockBind not successfull failure

  • mnuesser78 - 2017-12-29


    i try to use the Netvars from Oscat Netlib to communicate between
    a wago 750-889 Codesys V2.3 and a Raspberry Pi Codesys 3.5.12

    My Masterside is the 889, running and telling me a timeout failure
    My Clientside is the Raspberry, telling me a Failure 02 what means that
    the ip_control block has a failure with running "SysSockBind"

    anybody know how to solve this?
    i am using the netlib from the codesys store,
    or is there a special "raspberry" netlib from oscat for this?

    best regards,

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-12-29

    I would recommend to post this question in the OSCAT Forum,
    sure the CODESYS netvars are even not simple to configure ( to have communication between CODESYS V2.3 and V3)
    but even this could be a solution for your application


  • mnuesser78 - 2017-12-29

    Thanks for your replay edwin,
    i found the solution for me.

    If i turn on UDP everything is working...

    best regards


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