klima - 2017-11-19

Hello, im have a problem to rx or tx CAN frame, im succes run CANBus Example from store (it resend frames id 500 -> 501) but, im dont understand how its work, on the example im dont have a RX or TX own can frame id and data.

Im need receive ID, and 8 BYTES and send ID, and 8 BYTES, im newbie to codesys 3.5, on 2.3 and ifm have a simple FB.
11bit only.

I will be very grateful for example in ST!

On current time im runing the industrial_berry can0_rec / can0_send, but this is masochism
2921 ? S 0:00 /home/pi/can/can0_send can0
and its produce like 1000 threads after hour !
Load Averange 770 .4 670.1 268.5