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Raspberry Pi as PLC over Profinet

  • e-student - 2017-10-07

    Hi all,

    I have Rasp Pi 3 Model B and need to do the control of asynchronous drive (SIEMENS) which is connected to control unit (SIEMENS) and I have Ethernet cable which I should connect to Raspberry Pi. I use software CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL, and I have problem to in a communication between Pi and control unit. Please suggest is this project possible, do I need any additional hardware? I haven't seen projects which connect Siemens hardware with Codesys software, could this cause a problem?

    Thank you in advance!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-10-09


    here is an example project how to use the Pi as Profinet device.

    PN Controller is possible to, add Ethernet then PN Controller.
    So both is possible. (Master/Slave)


  • e-student - 2017-10-26


    Thank you for your reply.
    I connected everything, but I have a problem now that I cannot see any inputs/outouts from control unit. When I go online "User-defined parameters" list is empty.
    What could be the reason for this?
    I updated GSDML file from Siemens to Codesys.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-10-30

    screenshot, or attach the project.
    Otherwise almost impossible to help.



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