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After reboot: new firmwar desappear

  • galexis - 2017-09-04

    I use CODESYS 3.5 SP11 and raspberry pi.
    When I update firmwar to 3.5.11 I have error and after rebbot, new firmwar desappear and old one come back.
    Error is :
    "Error output: codesyscontrol.bin: aucun processus trouvé insserv: script codesyscontrol is not an executable regular file, skipped ! tar: Suppression de "/" au début des noms des membres update-rc.d: warning : default stop run levelarguments (0 1 6) do not match codesyscontrol Default-Stop Values (none)"

    How can I resolve it ?
    Thanks for your helps.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-09-04

    could you please login by ssh,update manually
    by executing: (the debian file should be already copied there to /home/pi)
    sudo dpkg -i codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.11.0.deb
    or (depending on which Version you try to install)
    sudo dpkg -i codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.11.10.deb

  • galexis - 2017-09-05

    I have a similar problem:

    pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo dpkg -i codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.11.0.deb
    (Lecture de la base de données... 78926 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
    Préparation du remplacement de codesyscontrol (en utilisant codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.11.0.deb) ...
    preinst finished
    Dépaquetage de la mise à jour de codesyscontrol ...
    update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
    insserv: script codesyscontrol is not an executable regular file, skipped!
    Paramétrage de codesyscontrol ( ...
    make etc modules
    Backup licenses
    tar: Suppression de « / » au début des noms des membres
    pid 3057's current affinity mask: f
    pid 3057's new affinity mask: 1
    codesyscontrol started
    update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
    update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match codesyscontrol Default-Stop values (none)
    postinst finished

    When I put package on home, after reboot, it disappear. When I erase file , after reboot, it reappear ....

    It is problem sd card ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-09-06

    which debian version is this...
    guess this is not a CODESYS related problem do you agree?


  • mkeller - 2017-09-06

    Hi galexis.

    galexis hat geschrieben:
    When I put package on home, after reboot, it disappear. When I erase file , after reboot, it reappear ....
    It is problem sd card ?

    This is just a guess but the big SD cards had an mechanical switch at the side to make the card read-only. I'm not sure if the micro SD cards still have one but that could be the reason why the new files disappear and deleted files re-appear.


  • galexis - 2017-09-06

    Raspbian is 4.11.19.
    I think sd card is dead. I have order a new one.


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