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Is there any material for us to guide to build a device xml file and library.

  • polygj - 2017-05-10

    Is there any material for us to guide to build a device xml file and library ?

    I'd like to share my devices & libraries & applications, if I can know how to write it first.

                                                     Thank you.
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-05-28


    "c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI\\Documentation\RaspberryPI_CodesysV3_FirstSteps_EN.pdf"
    and maybe the faq how to work with libraries:
    l viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5641&p=10677#p10677 l </yourwindowsusername>

    If you update your device description XML you need to install it again to the device repository and do not forget to update the Version in the project
    by rightclick -> update device



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