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Codesys Remote programming

  • riegosolar - 2017-02-27

    We are trying program a remote raspbery pi, i have dyndns and can connect with ssh, web... but my gateway is red, i have open all ports that I find in manuals, specially
    1217 TCP PORT and I can connect with remote socket (telnet xxx.xxx 1217 fro example) but i can´t program raspberry PLC.

    I have read that this is possible if i have create a VPN but if i want use port forwarding i´m not sure.

    Please help me, i have´nt create a vpn, for me is better port forwarding.

  • elsabz - 2017-02-27

    Hello the question interests me ...
    you have not taken into account to use TeamVeawer?
    Maybe with this you can program the PLC...


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-02-28

    if you use the Gateway which is in the Raspberry PI,
    you need to forware 1217 UDP PORT


  • riegosolar - 2017-02-28

    Edwin, codesys use 1217 TCP port, i´m sure UDP not work.
    Please help me to program my raspbery plc in remote.

    Bes regards.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-02-28

    if you use the remote Gateway which is embedded in theCODESYS plc... UDP 1217 .
    Please try it. Add the Ip of your remote reachable Pi - then use this Gateway to scan your remote Network and you will see the PI plc


    IMG: CheckGateway.jpg

  • yusuf - 2018-08-13

    Please ping Dns adress to know ip adress then type ip adress on Gateway adress

    IMG: gatee.JPG

    IMG: ipppp.JPG


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