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Screenshot with "Sys Process Execute Command"

  • m4d0c - 2016-08-15

    Hello together,

    I am having a problem with starting a script via CODESYS. My goal is to create a screenshot via a button click or via an input. For doing this I am using the
    "Sys Process Execute Command" command (no spaces of course, but it screws up the layout somehow). I altered the CODESYSControl.cfg to


    and I created a script named takeScreenshot which looks like:

    DISPLAY=:0 scrot -d 1 'screenshot.png'

    I made it executable with

    sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/takeScreenshot

    Finally I tested the script with typing ```


    ``` in the terminal and it works like a charm.

    So I started to implement the command in Codesys like this:

    IF take_Screenshot AND NOT take_Screenshot_old THEN
    Β  Β sCommand := 'takeScreenshot';
    Β  Β SysProcess.Sys Process Execute Command(sCommand, ADR(Result));

    Now the problem: It does not work
    As a result I get "0" and no screenshot. But if I am trying another command like "reboot" or "ifdown" it works without any problems. I dont have a clue. Can someone help?

    Thanks and Greetings

  • rickj - 2016-08-16

    You could pipe the console output to a file and see what turns up. Perhaps something like this

    IF take_Screenshot AND NOT take_Screenshot_old THEN
    Β  Β sCommand := 'takeScreenshot >> log.txt';
    Β  Β SysProcess.Sys Process Execute Command(sCommand, ADR(Result));
  • m4d0c - 2016-08-17

    Hi Rick,

    thank you for your reply.
    Unfortunatly the command is not executed by the Raspberry Pi (unlike a reboot command or similar). So no log is being created. Although it works when I am typing the exact same command in the Raspi terminal.


    IMG: ScreenshotCommand.JPG

  • m4d0c - 2016-08-17

    In the Codesys Log (cat /tmp/codesyscontrol.log) I get the following message

    I tried to use "" as sCommand as well with the same result.



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