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Can I upload a custom font for web-visualization to Pi?

  • Anonymous - 2016-04-05

    Originally created by: ga-nozry


    I use Roboto Fonts for my visualization, but this font is available only in Android.
    For example, Windows replaces it with the awful Times New Roman.

    I used similar ability for PLC Berghof DC2007 and uploaded custom fonts. Is it possible for Raspberry? How?

    My visualization (in Russian)

    Thanks, Boris.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-04-05

    Hi Boris,

    you need to have the font available on Windows (your CODESYS PC) and on the system where you execute the Browser (Is this the _ then?)

    If that is the case is should show your Roboto Fonts.
    (Sure if you call the webvisu on an Windows pc which has not installed the font--- it will Show again the ugly - Font...)


  • Anonymous - 2017-07-19

    Originally created by: dosnova

    Dear All, I've had some success. The only way to customize font in webvisu (in my case) is to copy the windows ttf font to a new folder (named with the font name) and move this folder to the pi folder '/usr/share/fonts/truetype' with the aid of WinSCP. After that, you have to open your CodeSys program and go to Visualization Manager - Fonts settings. You can select a different font for each language. Use the copied ttf font name for all languages. Download your program to the Pi and reboot.

    Enjoy it.

    THE PROBLEM.....

    After months of hardworking, I've not been able to use two different fons in the same visualization. I've copied new fonts to the Pi folder as above, but no success... Only the font specified in 'Visualization Manager - Fonts settings' is showed.


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