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Updated CodeSYS - RPI

  • tonverra - 2016-03-17

    Hi all,

    I just updated my engineering software and rpi to the latest versions. Running into a couple of issues:

    Somehow the GW does not seem to be running? I tried manually starting but so far no luck (see attachment)

    I also have an error in my trendrecording. But can not seem to find any reason for it? (see attachment)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!


    IMG: Trend.PNG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-03-17


    for the Gateway issue:
    In rare cases it might happen that the services which are needed to start the Gateway and Control Win or the Gateway Service
    are not installed/ or do not work after an update.
    Please check if CODESYS Gateway Service and CODESYS ServiceControl is running under the Windows Services (See screenshot services.jpg)
    If not please register them by execute in the Windows command line:

    c:\Program Files (x86)\3S CODESYS\GatewayPLC\ServiceControl.exe -i 
    c:\Program Files (x86)\3S CODESYS\GatewayPLC\GatewayService.exe -i

    If this does not help, you could add a new Gateway (give the IP of the Raspberry PI) and use this to scan and login to the Raspberry PI
    (there is a Gateway embedded in the Raspberry PI! - See this as workaround or a real use case for a remote VPN connection)

    C0046 __PropertyInfoStruct... is only a precompile error which will be solved one of the next Versions,
    ignore it! You could login without any restirction / malfuction.


    IMG: Services.jpg

  • tonverra - 2016-03-17

    Thanks for the fast reply!

    All is updated and running now, thank you!


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