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[Question] Domoticz

  • davevleugel - 2015-10-30

    Hello fellow codesysers,

    I found this project http://forum.codesys.com/viewtopic.php?p=12397#p12397

    Is there somewhere a guide how to configur this? I am normally a standard PLC programmer but this is very hard to follow. I run on a other raspberry pi domoticz and want to have some of the variables (temperatures) to have them in my codesys project.

    I hope this will get more support!

    (If somebody is from The Netherlands and know how this work please contact me )

  • sigarfree90 - 2015-11-04


    you can mount a remote folder using SSHFS or Samba, for example on the Codesys raspberry you can mount a folder from Domoticz one, then try to save desired values in text file in the remote folder, so both systems can access and read/write from it.

    My advices are:
    Shared folder should be in RAM, here you have a tutortial on how to make a ramdisk, you can make it 1MB since file with variables will be small. Ramdisk will prevent unnecessary write operations on the SD card and those are limitted - just to take care of your SD.
    http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-crea ... ilesystem/

    Mount directory from Codesys raspberry on Domoticz system, Codesys will write more often than Domoticz will read so this will optimize network load (which can kill raspberry)
    https://www.digitalocean.com/community/ ... s-over-ssh

    Set a proper rights for this file, so Domoticz system can only read it, and Codesys have a full access

    Insert all necessary scripts in the /etc/rc.local so it will mount automatically with the system and whatever you put there
    https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... c-local.md

    Good Luck!


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