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EthernetIP and Phoenix Contact

  • gguckenberger - 2015-10-28

    Im trying to connect to a Phoenix Contact Inline Bus Coupler with Codesys ver on Raspberry Pi2. I am getting these errors in the log:

    No local Ethernet/IP Adapter found. Class 1 connection as target not supported.
    SetOption unable to set Socket_SO_REUSEPORT
    Connection Failure. Extended Status: Invalid network Connection parameter.

    I have the Ethernet set up as:

    I can connect to the PI and Bus Coupler. I just cant get the PI to talk to the Bus Coupler

    IMG: Ethernet adapter.PNG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-10-29


    No local Ethernet/IP Adapter found. Class 1 connection as target not supported.

    this is only an info - no problem

    SetOption unable to set Socket_SO_REUSEPORT

    this is only an info - no problem

    Connection Failure. Extended Status: Invalid network Connection parameter

    this is the Problem.

    One question is there a reason why not using the eds file of the PhΓΆnix device?
    (-> you are using obvisouly the generic ethernet ip device)

    So I would recommend to install the EDS file from your device (from the manufacturer), than it is easy to configure


  • gguckenberger - 2015-10-29

    Ok I have the EDS file. How do I install the EDS file into Codesys?

    thanks for your help!

  • gguckenberger - 2015-10-29

    I figured it out. VERY COOL!

  • saimir - 2016-09-19

    I have a phoenix contact ILB ETH 24 DI16 DIO16-2TX and want to configure it with the same software CODESYS 3.5 on exor PLC. Do I still have to use the EDS file as I am looking at the manufacturer's recommended software to program the contacts and there is no EDS file on the list for this unit. Any reply would be appreciated.


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