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Reading from analog Input EL3162 (beckhoff)

  • swa - 2015-06-22


    I'm trying to read my analog input, beckhoff EL3162, it have a status port and a value port (both integers). I've mapped the ports to variables. When I'm reading the variables I don't get anything (0) on status and a random value on value (between 0 and 255, unrelated to the Voltage I'm putting on the port, should be 16-bit number).

    I have an EK1100 and a couple of digital I/O as well, all working fine. Have I missed some setup step? I have never worked with analog I/O before.

    I have googled all day and I can't find any good examples or guides. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

  • swa - 2015-06-23

    I solved my own problem, I needed to have the same ground connection on both the input and output to be able to read the signal.


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