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How to provide IO mapping page for devices

  • KKempeneers - 2015-06-12


    I've been researching the RPi learning environment for a few weeks now ... Being a teacher to high school Electronics and ICT students. I'm supposed to teach them the basics of IEC 61131-3 PLC programming. That is why I'm very happy I found Codesys. It allows me to bring PLC in to their comfort zone. (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, I2C, SPI, ...)

    I'm wondering now ... When I take Gerhard 's Arduino Uno IO Driver in the IO mapping page I can map variables to physical Arduino pins. When I take a look at the PCF8574 library supplied by Madax. The communication is byte wise oriented using:

    PCF8574.OUT := byteValueToBeWritten;


    Thanks in advance,

  • jaeger.jonathan - 2015-12-14

    I have the same issue and canΒ΄t find any solution.
    Did you solved it?

  • ionut-sandru - 2016-02-07

    I have the same problem mapping i2c MCP23017


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