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how can i integrate my own i2c device

  • Anonymous - 2015-02-15

    Originally created by: on4bhm


    Is it possible to integrate my own (not in the standard device included in the raspberry pi) i2c device
    without using any aditional sofware?

    Can someone explain how to do this?

    kind regards

  • impius - 2015-02-16

    Hi on4bhm

    I'm at the same point right now.
    First thing you have to-do is to write your own devdesc.xml file.
    Second is to create your own lib.
    There is a sample on your local hard drive inside your user folder if you have installed the RaspberryPi package.
    Also is a lib example in there.

    Then Erikk uploaded his own devdesc.xml and a lib to run SHT-21 sensors (thanks again), see "Looking for library to run a SHT-1x sensor" discussion.
    This may helps you to have an idea where to start.
    Good luck, still working on my I2C-Device... and will upload it as soon as all is working.


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