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Modbus Master / Slave with 2 Raspberry PIs and Codesys

  • lst - 2014-07-29

    Has anyone experience with 2 raspberries running codesys?

    We try to connect 2 Raspberry Pis using codesys on each of the two, selecting one as master and the other one as slave.
    Unfortunately the TCP connection cannot be established ,

    The master starts with SYNC, then the slave answers with ACK+RESET and so the master again tries with SNC .... eternally ...

    We downloaded the codesys image, after installation: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and finally installed wireshark apt-get install wireshark.

    Thanks a lot in advance

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-07-29

    would suggest to configure it that way:

    Attached the project.
    Attention: This is done with 3.5SP5 this week is release, but if you want to use with 3.5SP4 - update the plc device (right lick on the device in the devicetree)
    and go gack to 3.5.4.x version of the plc.


    IMG: 2PiModbusMasterandSlave.jpg

    2Raspis_ModbusMasterSlaveCommunication.project [216.04 KiB]


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