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Memory full


    JAPIB - 2019-10-03

    J've got an error message after trying to load my project in my Raspberry pi3 (with CODESYS V3.5 SP15 Patch 1)
    Error message " Download KO; Disk full".

    I reinstalled rasbian to solve the problem. But i'm not sure it is the good solution and I fear that problem will come again.

    This problem leads me to ask questions :
    Where does CODESYS store the project, on the SD card or on the RAM memory ? (I use a 32 Go SD Card !!)
    How to be sure to reset the memory, becouse when I get my problem, it seems the "Reset Origin command" don't resolve the problem.

    Thank you in advance for your ideas.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-10-04


    all application relatated files are stored in:

    I would exclude that CODESYS does fill a 32g SD card.
    You could remove all CODESYS transfered files by:
    Reset-origin-device command.

    Maybe you could check in the CLI
    find / -type f -size +5000k
    if there are huge files in the system.


    IMG: ResetOriginalDevice.png


    JAPIB - 2019-10-04

    Hi Edwin,
    Thank you.
    If the problem come again I will check with you command.

    What is the difference between the "Reset-origin-device" command and the "Reset origin" command in the in Line menu ?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-10-04


    "Reset origin" - reset the application including all varibales to init value(retains too) -

    "Reset-origin-device" does remove the whole application (bootapplication is removed too) inclduing all files which have been downloaded to the plc- ( even files which are not in the project anymore)
    imagine you play around with different applications on the PI, then you have different images/icons downloaeded/ - they will never removed.
    After doing this a new 'full' download of the application is needed!


  • josepmariarams - 2019-10-06


    When you install raspbian from an image for first time, it has format an small part of the total disk space.

    You can go to raspi_config and there is an option to wxpant filesystem to the totality of your sd.

    Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk


    JAPIB - 2019-10-06

    HI Joseph,
    Thank you for the idea.
    I know this expansion with older versions of Rasbian.
    With Rasbian Stretch, this option does not exist in the graphical configurator.
    Anyway before having the problem described, I had already successfully used my raspberry with this program and this version of rasbian.
    The problem occurred after a program reload after a program change.
    I suppose there was a phenomenon that disrupted memory, a big file, or something else.
    If the problem comes back I will test the memory with the command that Edwin told me.


  • josepmariarams - 2019-10-07

    Hi Japib

    I have a problem due a new downloads caused by a bad gestionof dynamic memory in FB_exits.

    Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk


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