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Lost license after install Modbus_TCP_Slave

  • KlausLoewenberg - 2019-09-30

    After installed Modbus_TCP_Slave in the project the license ist lost and is isn't possible to restore the backup.
    Now i am working with the CoDeSys Version SP15+, the backup i generated by an older version (SP13 ?).

    IMG: CoDeSys_lost_license_Modbus_TCP_Slave.JPG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-09-30

    hm.. you could the restore the license by activate the License Update (CMLicenseNew.WibuCmRaU ) file -> pull it via CODESYS FileBrowser
    -> fom your PI
    or you could use the file which is here on your PC:

    Maybe delete cmact_license directory and restart the plc need to be done in advance ( to have a clean empty softcontainer avialble)

    (Sure this works only on the PI which has the correct serial number)

    IMG: applySoftLicensebyFile.png

  • KlausLoewenberg - 2019-09-30

    Thank you Edwin,
    after delete the directory cmact_license it works again.

    Best regards

    IMG: runtime_licensed.JPG

    IMG: CoDeSys_license_installed.JPG


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