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EtherCat and Onewire bus can not run in the same program

  • ThomasFick - 2019-09-24

    Hi all

    I'm quite new to codesys and Raspberry. I have made a small project where I use a Beckhoff EK1100 and some in and output cards but when I
    I'm trying to use the Onewire bus in the same project the EhterCat bus stops working.

    One simple question should it work that way just with one bus or the other or is it a fault in the program?

    Anyone has any ideas?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-09-24

    yes in this forum in the section:
    List of example applications:
    l viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247&p=16920#p16920 l
    this improved onewire example should be the solution for your problem.
    And yes onewire need to be in an own task.


  • ThomasFick - 2019-09-30

    Thanks Edwin

    Now it works



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