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CANbus Example from Store, Raspbery Pi3

  • jond - 2019-03-27

    Hi guys, I am new to this forum, trying to get raw CAN running on Raspberry 3B with PiCan2 hat using Codesys.
    I have proved the PiCan2 board works well, I can send, read on RPI.
    I have a problem get it from Codesys. Have downloaded CANbus example, updated Device to RPI, the ST example shows no error, but when online then driver had internal error. Is there anybody to help me please to get it running?

    IMG: Capture.JPG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-08

    hard to say,
    all steps done to bring CAN up and running?
    check several forum threads...


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