Subversion feature svn:keywords

  • schiele - 2016-11-30

    Is there any possibility to use the svn:keywords feature in CODESYS SVN?
    I tried it by adding the property to an object, but this did not lead to success.
    No Replacements at all. It seems that this feature is not implemented yet?

  • mkeller - 2016-11-30

    Hi schiele.

    schiele hat geschrieben:
    Is there any possibility to use the svn:keywords feature in CODESYS SVN?
    I tried it by adding the property to an object, but this did not lead to success.
    No Replacements at all. It seems that this feature is not implemented yet?

    CODESYS SVN provides the SVN_VERSION_INFO instead of SVN key words.


  • schiele - 2016-11-30

    Hi Martin,

    thank you for your immediate answer.
    I knew the SVN_VERSION_INFO already but it is not exactly what I want to have.
    For me it would be great to have all these informations per object.
    I guess there is no chance to achieve this goal?


  • mkeller - 2016-11-30

    Hi Bruno.

    schiele hat geschrieben:
    For me it would be great to have all these informations per object.
    I guess there is no chance to achieve this goal?

    If you only want to know by whom and when an object was last modified you can use the command "SVN Info...". The dialog also shows other information about the object.


  • schiele - 2016-12-01

    Hi Martin,

    M.Keller hat geschrieben:
    If you only want to know by whom and when an object was last modified you can use the command "SVN Info...". The dialog also shows other information about the object.

    yes I saw this dialog before, but what I'd like to have is a possibility to insert this Informations into code (e.g. into comment, or perhaps into a constant as in SVN_VERSION_INFO). This would be really great.

    Kind regards


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