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Error 3803: (2): Out of data global memory. Variable 'CAN1_CANREMOTE_INFO'. 5904 bytes.

  • manuelpineda - 2019-09-06

    Hello all,

    Could anyone help me with a can remote device?
    I have added the libraries CAN1_SDO_BASIC_V020003.lib and CAN1_CR31xx_V020003.lib and I has got the following error message when compiling. Error 3803: (2): Out of data global memory. Variable 'CAN1_CANREMOTE_INFO'. 5904 bytes.

    Any advice, please?

    Thank you very much.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-09-09

    I would recommend to ask the manufacturer of the device... or at least the company how give the CAN1_SDO_BASIC_V020003.lib to the target.


  • manuelpineda - 2019-09-10

    Hi Edwin,

    Thank you very much for your advice.



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