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Delay (wait ms) in Ladder

  • neurot - 2016-04-19


    I'm trying to make a very simple timing delay with Ladder, i've tried some coding, but i can't make it work.

    I just want to add some delay after a pulse, wait a number of ms.
    The problem with the TON is that the input signal must remain for the TON to become active. If the input signal is gone before the TON starts then there is never an output pulse. I want a pulse after a specific time after the input pulse, but my input is already 0 when the timer starts.
    See my picture. Can anybody help me?

    IMG: Capture 01.PNG

  • Anonymous - 2016-04-19

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    You will need to add a latched variable (SET coil) to your logic. Remember you have TON, TOFF and TP timers to work with.

  • neurot - 2016-04-19

    Thanks for reply.
    Sorry but i'm very stupid. Can you put an example please?

  • Anonymous - 2016-04-19

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    There are many ways, but here is one. I made it a function block so you can use it several times. Note - this version starts with rising edge of Start input and cannot be stopped - it will delay, then turn on Output, delay then turn it off again. Maybe not what you really wanted...

    IMG: pulse.png

  • neurot - 2016-04-22

    Just what I needed, thank you very much!


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