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Modbus Address Range Problem

  • tonypdean - 2015-09-17

    I have a Magelis HMISTU HMI display connected to a Wago 750-881 coupler using Modbus TCP. I wish to display the values of a number of variables within the PFC but the display driver will only accept register values in the range 30001+ whereas the variables are located in the Wago coupler at address 256+. I have tried using IEC61131 addressing but this does not appear to help. Is there a way to perform some kind of conversion or are the two items simply incompatible?



  • tonypdean - 2015-09-17

    Its OK, I just realised that register address 30001 on the display is in fact equivalent to Modbus address zero on the Wago so I just need to add 30001 to each Modbus address in the Wago to access my variables.


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