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How to turn on a large number of outputs with 1 variable

  • kmckinney - 2015-09-02

    I'm trying to turn on any combination of 128 PLC outputs using 1 variable. I've never done this before so I wanted to see if any one has any suggestions. I would appreciate your input.

  • Anonymous - 2015-09-03

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    One possibility (assuming your IO hardware is based on BOOL assignments) using ST language:

    You may want to create a FB and use methods instead of a program with actions.

    This is just one example. Check your hardware mapping - I have one hardware I work with (4 in / 4 out) that uses one BYTE to control the INs and one BTYE to control the OUTs - which would be super easy to turn all on at once (BYTE = 255). But that is not the norm.

    I think trying to do this with LD would be a bit tedious.

  • shooter - 2015-09-07

    way #1 hardware.
    put the ouputs behind a power supply module, so if you activate 1 output it will put power to the power module.
    this is done a lot for emergency buttons, as it shuts down the power to a lot of outputs.

    way #2software
    in ST
    output1:= (output[1] AND centraloutput )

    in ladder obvious same type.



    Talk.ru: 1

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