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How can I make symbols in Global Variable?

  • MONITOUCH - 2015-07-30

    How can I make symbols in Global Variable?

    I am able to create "SYM_XML" file with the main project file
    (CoDeSys V2.3.9.13 and select PLC model Wago 750-841(FW12...))

    I just need to create some symbols in "SYM_XML" file.
    But I am a beginner of using CoDeSys and struggling to understand the software.

    If you someone have a sample program or sample "SYM_XML" with BOOL, INT, DINT or something,
    would you mind to share?

  • shooter - 2015-08-03

    export the global var.

  • Jonascox - 2015-10-27

    I'm not sure what you mean by symbols. If by symbols you mean variables to use in your program, the syntaxes are as follows:


    MyVar_Bool :BOOL;
    MyMem_Bool     AT %MX0.0 : BOOL;
    MyMem_Byte     AT %MB0    : BYTE;
    MyMem_Word        AT %MW0   : WORD;
    MyMem_DWord      AT %MD0    : DWORD;
    MyMem_DInt     AT %MD1    : DINT;



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