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Counter that functions like TP timer

  • kmckinney - 2015-07-01

    I need a counter function that acts like a TP timer. Meaning when the counting begins the output goes high and remains high until the counting PV is reached. Once the PV is reached the output goes low. The program I am creating functions off a pulsing digital input and I need to count the pulses but keep an output on while it's counting.

    If you don't know of a built in function can you suggest to me a way I can create one with ladder logic.

    I appreciate any assistance I can get with this.

    Thank you

  • shooter - 2015-07-07

    so you need a downcounter, and when the start is true and the counter is NOT at zero the flag is TRUE.

  • kmckinney - 2015-07-08

    Yes, that is the concept. I've been trying to recreate with no luck/

  • shooter - 2015-07-09

    send an export file of what you made and i will give you the filling.

  • kmckinney - 2015-07-09

    I'm not exactly sure how to export so I'm sending a screen shot. HOPE this is ok

    IMG: Capture.PNG

  • shooter - 2015-07-09

    when you start counting you set a flag to ON
    when counter is at setpoint you reset the flag.
    that is all.
    you can use rising_edge to have this flag give a pulse to the next POU for example to close the bag because it is filled.

  • kmckinney - 2015-09-01

    Thanks Shooter


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