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disable I in PID_FIXCYCLE

  • gatto

    gatto - 2015-04-01

    Hello everyone, i'm using PID_FIXCYCLE just with P and I.
    I need sometime to disable the I part : if i put TN=0 and i use only TP, the output of PID remains blocked.
    Where i'm wrong ?

  • shooter - 2015-04-03

    fix is same as pid however you need to give a time to calculate (that can be different from realtime)
    if only using P check the PB(or Kp)

  • MuhteremCayli - 2015-04-08

    Integral effect in the formula is like 1/TN so if you give "0" to TN a math error occur.
    So if you want to decrease the effect of Integral give bigger value.

  • shooter - 2015-04-08

    math error is not occuring as it is checked in integral. and on other places when using util.lib
    same for oscat.lib btw.
    so if set to zero it is discarded.


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