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Compare 2 variables STRUCT

  • Anthony - 2015-01-26


    I would like to know if it's possible to compare 2 variables when they are 2 structures.

    For exemple, I have a structure
    TYPE ST_HmiToPlc :
    B1 : bool;
    B2 : bool;
    A3 : array[1..9] of bool;
    I4 : int;

    I declare 2 variables
    Var1 : ST_HmiToPlc;
    Var2 : ST_HmiToPlc;

    And know I would like to know if values in VAR1 are diffΓ©rents than values in VAR2
    I wrote
    if VAR1<>VAR2 then TOTO:=TRUE; end_if
    But it's not correct, I have the fault ERROR 4011: Type mismatch in parameter 1 of ''<>'' : Cannot convert 'ST_HmiToPlc' to 'ANY_NUM'
    Do you have a solution ? I don't want to compare each value of the structure because I have near 200 values in my structure.

    I know you can do this :
    VAR1 := VAR2;
    without fault, so I think it's possible to make some calcul on the VAR1

  • shooter - 2015-01-26

    you will have to use pointers in this case.
    off course you can compare the internal of the structures like VAR1.A3[1] etc.
    In the oscat.lib is a function to do this.

    however it is not 61131, but it works.
    was also about this subject



    Talk.ru: 1

  • Anthony - 2015-01-30

    Thanks for your help.
    I found some information on oscat to solve my problem.


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