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How can I convert a 2 word modbus address to real?

  • byrgiel1977 - 2014-10-31

    Im new to this CodeSys thing. (SoMachine)
    Right now i'm trying to read out values from a energy meter, but cannot get the conversion to work..

    Im trying to read out the Frequency (50 Hz). Value is located in modbus address 4113-4114. I have mapped these addresses as %IW0 and %IW1.

    IW0=01000010 01001000 = 16968
    IW1=00000000 00000000 = 0

    Now I need to get these words converted to a REAL value. Anybody that can help?
    Real should be: 01000010 01001000 00000000 00000000


  • shooter - 2014-11-22

    make it a double word and convert it to real is one answer, however what type is your real?
    look at oscat.de for a big library with all types of conversions.
    you can also use scale with lowest value and highest.


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