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Simulation mode - Error 3101 Data area too large

  • Carlo - 2014-10-01

    I'm writing a program (ST language) using codesys and my target hardware is Wago 758-874, if I build the program without the simulation flag(Online - Simulation Mode) I have no error.
    The build process give this information:
    POU indices 1108 27%
    Size of used data: 672426 of 134217729 bytes (0.50%)
    Size of used retain data : 62444 of 1040128 bytes (6%).

    Now if I use Simulation and and I try to clean and build the same program I have 4 errors similar to this:
    Error 3101: Data area too large: 97177 Byte/s (95K). Maximum size: 65535 Byte/s /63K).

    Is it possible that in simulation mode Codesys has a memory limit that is smaller than the real limit of my target setting?


  • shooter - 2014-10-01

    yes the simulation is limited, and is not dependent of the target, you can change this in sources

    if you have oscat the memory is very fast filled.

  • Carlo - 2014-10-02

    Where is the option to change the memory in simulation mode? I don't find "sources"..


  • shooter - 2014-10-03

    it is in your target settings under resources
    (right bottom tab

  • sarathbabu - 2014-10-07

    Hi Carlo

     Did you Select PLCWInNT and in Target Settings go to Memory Lay Out to change no of POU and Memory Limit.



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