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Pointers vs structure performance

  • fabou3377 - 2014-08-31


    what the better way in term of performance when we have 1 FB Master and n FB Slave and we need exchange information between them.

    1) Create a struture and pass it with a VAR_IN_OUT to master and slave FB

    2) Create a pointer parameter to master in the FB slave

    Thanks in advance.

  • shooter - 2014-09-02

    var in out means you will have a bigger structure.
    better one structure for out and another for Input.

    see w www.oscat.de w for functions to do communications.

  • Ralph Holz - 2014-09-03

    If you just compare the performance of data-transport then both methods are same, also the VAR_IN_OUT is a pointer to the data. With using the VAR_IN_OUT the compiler can checke if there is data connected, if the connected data type is correct, and there is absolutely no risk of pointing to wrong data (caused by a onlinechange).

    So my favorite is : VAR_IN_OUT

    If you where asking the same question in the V3 Forum you got more options (References + Interfaces) Which are defenitly also good ways to transfer "large" amounts of data with a good performance.



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