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codesys v3 2 codesys v2

  • sarathbabu - 2014-08-01

    Hi all

    Is there anyway 2 convert v3 2 v2?

    I need it very badly


  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2014-08-01

    The projects of CODESYS V3 are not downward compatible. But you can copy & paste the ST code between both versions. At least in case you have not used the OOP features - they will definitely not work.
    But of course CODESYS V2 projects can be easily imported into CODESYS V3.

  • sarathbabu - 2014-08-01

    Thanks for the reply

  • shooter - 2014-08-01

    when you copy and paste them it will be fine, you can also try to export the files, and make some adjustments in the EXP file (XML text)
    Most library functions will not work, and if needed i can help you with the translation

  • sarathbabu - 2014-08-04

    Hi Shooter

                 Please help me out on how2 change xml for codesys v2 compatibility.

    It will be great


  • shooter - 2014-08-04

    It will need a lot of work to do, however why would you need it for, almost everything needed is done in V2.


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