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Getting error about POU PLC_PRG doesn't exits, but it does

  • techkarlsson - 2013-12-21

    The project I'm working on was compiling/building perfectly until I started to fiddle with the alarm configuration. After some settings in there I get the following error: "Error 3614: The project does not contain a POU named 'PLC_PRG' (main routine) or a task configuration".

    Of course I have a POU called PLC_PRG...

    What can cause this?


  • techkarlsson - 2013-12-22

    Removed a task in the 'Task Config' I had added. Still don't know why it caused error but anyway.

  • shooter - 2013-12-25

    the compiler first looks in the task configuration, if there is any task in there or has been, the default PLC_PRG will not be active anymore as it is a default.
    however you can put PLC_PRG in the task list without problems.
    This is best way when there are several tasks, you can give them a priority and a event to start.
    plc_prg should be freewheeling however.

    another way to do this to start the programns in PLC_PRG but you dont have the same possibilities to run like timed or when event happens.

  • techkarlsson - 2013-12-26

    Ahaa, understand. Thanks for the explanation.


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