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RS232 Serial communication problems

  • runar@samey.is - 2013-10-21


    I am new to this forum and I am just beginning to us codesys.

    I am trying to get communication between berghof EC1000 and roboteq 2130. I am using 232 serial port. I am using a program I got from the codesys store ( http://store.codesys.com/serial-com.html ). I am using Codesys v3.5 SP1 Patch 4.

    My problem is that I can send one message through the serial port whit out any problems, but when I try to do it again nothing happens. Then I have to logout from the project and download it again to be able to send the messages again.

    Can anybody please help me with this problem?

  • shooter - 2013-10-23

    check the handshake and do you close the communication after sending.

  • runar@samey.is - 2013-10-23

    Think you for your replay.

    I have tried it with and without handshake. I have also tried it without closing the port between sending messages. Here is the code I am using.

    IF xStartTest THEN

            //The parameters are set for the COM Port
            aCom1Params[1].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiPort;
            aCom1Params[1].udiValue := 1; // the correct Port should be adapted
            aCom1Params[2].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiBaudrate;
            aCom1Params[2].udiValue := 115200;
            aCom1Params[3].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiParity;
            aCom1Params[3].udiValue := COM.PARITY.NONE;
            aCom1Params[4].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiStopBits;
            aCom1Params[4].udiValue := COM.STOPBIT.ONESTOPBIT;
            aCom1Params[5].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiTimeout;
            aCom1Params[5].udiValue := 0;
            aCom1Params[6].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiByteSize;
            aCom1Params[6].udiValue := 8;
            aCom1Params[7].udiParameterId := COM.CAA_Parameter_Constants.udiBinary;
            aCom1Params[7].udiValue := 0;
            // Handshake Paramet
            //aCom1Params[8].udiParameterId := COM.udiDtrControl;
            //aCom1Params[8].udiValue := 16#02; // handshake
            //aCom1Params[9].udiParameterId := COM.udiOutxDsrFlow;
            //aCom1Params[9].udiValue := 1; // true
            //aCom1Params[10].udiParameterId := COM.udiRtsControl;
            //aCom1Params[10].udiValue := 16#02; // handshake
            //aCom1Params[11].udiParameterId := COM.udiOutxCtsFlow;
            //aCom1Params[11].udiValue := 1; // true
            // Handshake Parameter
            aCom1Params[8].udiParameterId := COM.udiInX;
            aCom1Params[8].udiValue := 1; // true
            aCom1Params[9].udiParameterId := COM.udiXonChar;
            aCom1Params[9].udiValue := 17;
            aCom1Params[10].udiParameterId := COM.udiXonLim;
            aCom1Params[10].udiValue := 2048;
            aCom1Params[11].udiParameterId := COM.udiOutX;
            aCom1Params[11].udiValue := 1; // true
            aCom1Params[12].udiParameterId := COM.udiXoffChar;
            aCom1Params[12].udiValue := 19;
            aCom1Params[13].udiParameterId := COM.udiXoffLim;
            aCom1Params[13].udiValue := 512;
            aCom1Params[14].udiParameterId := COM.udiTXContinueOnXoff;
            aCom1Params[14].udiValue := 0; // false

    IF xPortOpen THEN
    //The first Port is opened with the given parameters
    como1(xExecute := TRUE, usiListLength:=SIZEOF(aCom1Params)/SIZEOF(COM.PARAMETER),pParameterList:= ADR(aCom1Params));

            IF como1.xError THEN
                xCom1OpenError := TRUE;
                iState := 1000;
            IF como1.xDone THEN
                iState := 10;

    IF xWrite THEN
    // the write process is started for the first port
    comw1(xExecute := TRUE,hCom:= como1.hCom,pBuffer:= ADR(sWrite),szSize:= SIZEOF(sWrite));

            IF comw1.xError THEN
                xCom1WriteError := TRUE;
            // if the writing process is completed the reading process can be started
            IF comw1.xDone THEN
                iState := 15;

    IF xPortClose THEN

         // The first port is closed and the used handle released
            comc1(xExecute := TRUE, hCom:= como1.hCom);
            IF comc1.xError THEN
                xCom1CloseError := TRUE;
            IF comc1.xDone OR comc1.xError THEN             
                iState := 1000;

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