peterchowhe - 2013-08-25

Hi, Everybody:

i am new in the Codesys,

Now i need do some job about how to show the error code in one Rectange.

all the error arouse in the CANBUS line will be collected to One ARRAY, Suppose array[0..5]
If the one of the value in the array is <>0, and means there is error code,

Suppose there is 4pc error code in the array,
and i use KEY_UP OR KEY_DOWN can view the previous or next error code. and cycle

it is ok for me,

but when it is go to confirm the error code, it means pressing KEY_OK, the current showed error code will ignore and not show next time, and now pressing key_up or key down, there is only 3 error remaining to show. and continue and until press 4 times key_ok, no more error code showed again but all the error still exit.

and then if now there is new error code arise, it will be showed again and there is only one new error code in th system and key_ok, this error code will also ingore.

please help how to pramgram the key_ok Functions.

thank you very much.