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Analog Inputs

  • Boilerworx - 2013-02-23

    I am using jmobile from uniop with a codesys plc running version 2.3 i have digital signals working but cannot get analog inputs to read, i am using 4-20mA inputs but cannot see them being read by plc. Does any one have any ideas or is there a library i need to use?

  • sarathbabu - 2013-02-24


    How you declared your variable?

    it shud be QW%


  • shooter - 2013-02-24

    sarath wrong

    xCounterHeat7 AT %QX0.0: BOOL;

    wLightcabinetimpulse AT %IW2: WORD;

    xDownload AT %MX2.2: BOOL;

    have a look at oscat.de library using input1 function block.
    as the input first bits are used for error control.

  • sarathbabu - 2013-02-27


    For analog input

    fourtorwenty:AT %IW3000;

    Actual reading depends on calibration inside

    for analog output

    tenvolts :at %QW2016;

    Thanks in my previous post i mentioned was analog output assignment


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