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Remote connection to Wago 750-881

  • tomoklc - 2012-10-31

    Hi all to forum!!

    As subject says, I have a problem to connect on remote wago controller.
    Aplication is:
    I connect Wago to switch and switch to router. Controller have an IP address and gateway
    On my router I set ports:2455,502 and set DDNS with data whitch I get on w www.no-ip.com w
    And then 50 km away on my computer at home in Codesys in communication parametars I choose Tcp/Ip and in address field put e.g.no-ip.com port 2455 but every time i get message communicaton error #0 logout performed!!

    Now my question is do I need on my home router opet some ports? Can someone who know write in short notes what I need to do!

  • t.lundahl - 2012-11-01

    Don't you need to set the port for CodeSys as well at port 1200?


  • tomoklc - 2012-12-21

    Is it necessary for port fowarding on remote router? If yes witch ports?
    In CoDeSys V2.3 on remote site what address need to be in Gateway properties?
    Do I need Codesys gateway server?

    When I setting communication parametars with DDNS on local site everything work fine, so I guess
    problem is on remote location!

  • tomoklc - 2012-12-27



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