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Codesys in VM or Docker

  • varleybullard - 2019-07-23


    I am starting to set up continuous integration for our project and would like to know if anyone has been able to run codesys (running IDE on command line with no UI) instance inside a VM and/or Docker container ?

    it would be ideal to be able to build a repeatable build/runtime windows environment in this way but would like to know if anyone has managed to do it successfully or if only option is to install codesys on a physical machine. At least on issue seems to be how to access license container/dongle in a virtual environment. ( I know we can run for short period without license but needed still for svn add on)

    Any information, tips or hints gratefully received.

    Kind Regards

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2019-07-24


    CODESYS can easily be installed in a VM (windows or linux based)
    I do not have any experience with CODESYS in a Docker but it should be doable!?

    Anyway, for hints/tips I can point you to https://forge.codesys.com/tol/wiki/Home/.
    Forge is continously evolving so please keep an eye out for info on this subject.


  • zeroq - 2020-10-07

    Hi Jusito. Any advance in the CI/CD with CODESYS running in Dockers? I'm quite interested in learning more about your setup because I need to create a similar approach for a software in the loop verification platform where we would like run test cases against a CODESYS virtual PLC in an automated way for non-regression purposes. Right now my first idea was to define the test cases in Simulink + some models (test harness) exchanging information with the CODESYS runtime running in some virtual machine / docker. The preference of Simulink is because we use this environment as the verification / validation platform with other PLCs that doesn't run CODESYS.


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