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Run script after generating code or similar

Omar Ampyx
  • Omar Ampyx - 2019-07-02

    Similar to this previous post.

    l viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7548 l

    Is it now possible to know when the project has been saved, or compiled, or closed or any other action taken by the user so that a script can be executed?

    Thank you in advance, Omar

  • mkeller - 2019-07-10

    Hi Omar.

    Omar Ampyx hat geschrieben:
    Is it now possible to know when the project has been saved, or compiled, or closed or any other action taken by the user so that a script can be executed?

    No, it's not possible with Scripting. You can do it with C#/.Net if you had a license for the CODESYS Automation Platform.



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