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Documentation / Usage Help For Scripting Engine Libraries

  • mkeller - 2019-04-05


    Here is some example code:

    proj = projects.primary
    proj.create_external_file_object(r'd:\tmp\README.txt', 'someText', ReferenceMode.Embed, AutoUpdateMode.Always)
    found = proj.find('Application', True)
    if found is not None and len(found) == 1:
    Β  Β  raise Exception("No or more than one object found")
    app = found[0]
    app.create_external_file_object(r'd:\tmp\README.txt', 'someTextBelowApp', ReferenceMode.Link, AutoUpdateMode.Never)


  • sven01 - 2023-08-21

    I am still not able to figure out how to use the the classes and their functions. πŸ˜”
    Let's say I would like to use the function "importfile()" from the class "ScriptTextListObject.ScriptTextListMarker".
    I would be grateful for an additional example. Thanks! 😊


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