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Jenkins windows slave for CodeSys build

  • anson2004 - 2016-05-09


    I have tried using Jenkins windows slave to build Codesys Project from svn.

    It is all working fine with windows command line. But When I use Jenkins to trigger windows slave build, in console, I could not see any output except for exit 0.

    Here is the information appeared in Jenkins console

    Started by user Admin
    [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
    Building remotely on win7-slave (win7slave) in workspace C:\Jenkins\slave\workspace\CodesysBuildProject
    [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
    [WS-CLEANUP] Done
    Checking out a fresh workspace because there's no workspace at C:\Jenkins\slave\workspace\CodesysBuildProject
    Cleaning local Directory .
    Checking out https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/trunk at revision '2016-05-09T15:00:53.307 +0300'
    A CodeSysBuild.py
    At revision 3500
    [CodesysBuildProject] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\YIQING~1.LIA\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson2896371836916012308.bat

    C:\Jenkins\slave\workspace\CodesysBuildProject>start /wait CODESYS.exe --profile="CoDeSys V3.5 SP8" --noUI --runscript="CodeSysBuild.py"

    C:\Jenkins\slave\workspace\CodesysBuildProject>exit 0
    Finished: SUCCESS

  • Anonymous - 2016-05-12

    Originally created by: M.Schaber

    Hi, anson2004,

    anson2004 hat geschrieben:

    C:\Jenkins\slave\workspace\CodesysBuildProject>start /wait CODESYS.exe --profile="CoDeSys V3.5 SP8" --noUI --runscript="CodeSysBuild.py"

    If you're starting CODESYS from within a batch / cmd file or jenkins, try to do it without the "start /wait" - this is only useful in interactive mode, so the shell blocks until CODESYS is finished (Batch processing will always block until CODESYS is finished if you don't use "start /wait").


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