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add device to an explicit connector

  • Anonymous - 2016-03-16

    Originally created by: AT_TE


    Is it possible to add a device to an explicit connector?

    I tried the following step but it doesn't work:


    CODESYS puts the message: 'ScriptDeviceConnector' object has no attribute 'add'

  • mkeller - 2016-03-17


    Explicit connectors are special device objects which can be found in the normal object tree.

    Here some example code which adds a SoftMotion device and plugs a camera into a slot:

    proj = projects.primary
    dev = proj.find("Device")[0]
    conn = dev.find("SoftMotion General Axis Pool")[0]
    if conn.is_explicit_connector:
    Β  Β print("add SM device")
    Β  Β conn.add("SM_Drive_PosControl", 1025, "0000 0001", "")
    conn = dev.find("Camera device")[0]
    if conn.is_explicit_connector:
    Β  Β camDev = conn.find("<Empty>")[0]
    Β  Β print("plug camera")
    Β  Β camDev.plug("MyCam", 502, "0000 0002", "")



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