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message "GUID ist ungültig"

  • MaGu - 2015-12-11

    Hi, when i try to compare two projects I get the message "Die Objekt-GUID xxxxx ist ungültig". Is there a way to find out which Object is it? What does it mean? Thanks

  • Anonymous - 2015-12-11

    Originally created by: M.Schaber


    Can you give some more details?

    How do you try to compare the projects? Using a script, or using the normal Project compare?

  • MaGu - 2015-12-15

    Hi, right now it was a normal compare project->svn->compare to server project. I made a copy branch abd switch by script and the next step is to compare it to the project in /trunk. Then i get the message when i compare /branch to /trunk.

  • Anonymous - 2015-12-17

    Originally created by: M.Schaber

    MaGu hat geschrieben:
    Hi, right now it was a normal compare project->svn->compare to server project. I made a copy branch abd switch by script and the next step is to compare it to the project in /trunk. Then i get the message when i compare /branch to /trunk.


    Is there a stacktrace available?

    (If the script ends with the exception not being caught, the error dialog which appears has a "Details..." button which should show the stack trace.)


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