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how to get a list of the cross reference of one variable

  • mvs - 2018-01-02

    Hi all,

    IΒ΄m looking for a solution to get a list of cross references of one variable in my Python script.
    And if it possible a reference of a member of a struct.

    I found the following:

    system.commands["view", "crossref"].execute()
    system.commands['browse', 'crossreferences'].execute()
    system.commands['browse', 'legacycrossreferences'].execute()

    wich only opens the view of the cross reference in my GUI.
    But I need a list of the POUΒ΄s where the variable is used, such like the results in the view.

    Any ideaΒ΄s

    Many thanks

  • mvs - 2018-01-17

    Hi all,

    no ideas about cross references??

  • mkeller - 2018-01-17

    Hi mvs.

    mvs hat geschrieben:
    Hi all,
    no ideas about cross references??

    Sorry, but that is not possible at the moment.



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