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Raspberry Pi license error

  • agwells - 2019-08-13

    I have a license for CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL V3.5.15.0 but when I try to activate the license I get - error 10957 Ticket contains no open licenses for this firmcode.

    When I look at the system information it shows the version as, I have removed that version and installed but it still shows the old version and the system stops working after 2 hours.

    Does anyone have any ideas about what I am doing wrong, and what I need to do.

  • alm - 2019-08-14

    There is a difference between the Multicore and the Standard(Singlecore) License.
    If you bought the Singlecore license then you have to configure your raspberry pi to use the singlecore devicedescription as well as in the "Update Raspberry Pi" section you have to set it as Singlecore. But if you have the Multicore like you said, then you will have to do the same but for multicore..


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