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CAN bus on CPX-CEC

  • Wiljan - 2019-06-23


    I need to communicate with a Smart Power Meter (mesureing volt, Amp, Wats on 3 phases) PM-3133-CPS via Canbus from a CPX-CEC

    The manufacturer do have this user manual

    I have set up a CANopen bus and added in the PM-3133-CPS as CAN-ID 2 and added in the .eds file attached

    Then I have selected the PDO's I læike to get the values for eg. Va, Ia

    the project compile fine and when downloaded it does run and I can see on a scope that a init communication goes on but I never get any values back.

    I can see around on the web that people does talk about that a Network Variable are needed, is that correct?

    Also some mentioned that if the valued are not use by the codesys then it's actually not transferred over the CAN bus is that correct as well?

    Also I'm in doubt what type of communication are needed to get the values on regular base (i would like a value like ever 500mS, should it be async, sync or RTR driven... it really not clear

    It would be great with an example showing how this works

    Please advise
    Thank you

    pm 3133 cps.txt [38.24 KiB]

  • Wiljan - 2019-06-23

    Just adding some screendumps to make it more clear

    IMG: pm3133cps_runmode.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_PDO_properties.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_06.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_05.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_04.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_03.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_02.png

    IMG: pm3133cps_01.png


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