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Codesys UI funkery

  • RoryLDM - 2019-06-10

    So I have a question that's been bothering me. For some reason after plugging in my second monitor the UI in Codesys started acting a bit funky. Mainly in that now instead of showing the entire variable name it will go "Genericna...." or "GVL_Weather....."

    I can change the font but that only plays around with the problem. I have a screencap below so you can see the problem. There is plenty of room to display the entire variable name but even if I use a wider monitor or give it more horizontal space it will just expand the empty middle space. Yet I can open the same project on my old machine and it displays the full variable name. Which is why I don't think it's something that can't be fixed.

    IMG: Screenview.jpg

  • somlioy - 2019-06-10

    Options -> FBD,LD AND IL editor -> Fixed size for operand fields.
    Remove the tick.

  • RoryLDM - 2019-06-10

    somlioy hat geschrieben:
    Options -> FBD,LD AND IL editor -> Fixed size for operand fields.
    Remove the tick.

    Oh my thank you. I don't know how I missed that.

    Now I need to figure out why it does this with the overlapping lines in menus.

    IMG: Screenview.jpg

  • somlioy - 2019-06-10

    Possible scaling in windows?
    Windows button + x -> System -> display -> Scale and layout.
    Try reducing the percentage.

  • RoryLDM - 2019-06-10

    somlioy hat geschrieben:
    Possible scaling in windows?
    Windows button + x -> System -> display -> Scale and layout.
    Try reducing the percentage.

    Bang on. Reducing it to 100% scaling wasn't an option but putting in a custom scale of 100% fixed it.

    Thank you.


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