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Scheduling task by status

  • Giacomo - 2019-05-14

    Hi all!
    I saw that in this version of Codesys is possible to scheduling a task by means of a status variable.
    I saw that is possible to set a priority value but I have not seen how to set a cycle time.

    My question here is:
    1) what is going to be the cycle time of the task once the variable is true?
    2) is there a way to set/modify the cycle time?

    Attached you can find an image.


    IMG: Captura.JPG

  • Lo5tNet - 2019-05-14
    1. When the status variable becomes true it turns into a freewheeling task until the status variable is set back to false then it stops.
    2. Only control you have is priority.
  • Giacomo - 2019-05-14



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