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PackageManagerCLI Access denied

  • MichaJ - 2019-04-18

    Hi, I'm having problems running the PackageManagerCLI.exe using Codesys V3.5 SP12 Patch 6. I execute the PackageManager as part of a python script with following command:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Festo\CODESYSV3.5.12.6\CODESYS\Common\PackageManagerCLI.exe" --profile="CODESYS V3.5 SP12 Patch 6 pbF" --install="./CMMT-AS_PointToPoint_3.5.10.31.package"

    After executing I receive the error message "access denied":

    Der Zugriff auf den Pfad "C:\Program Files (x86)\Festo\CODESYSV3.5.12.6\CODESYS\
    PackageDB\FileStorage\CurrentInstall.log" wurde verweigert.

    Running the PackageManagerCLI with SP10 Patch 4 has no issues! How can I solve this problem?
    Thanks a lot!

  • chmm - 2019-11-12

    Hey MichaJ,

    it seems, that there are some problems with your admin rights at windows 10. Try to run your application as administrator. I had the same problem. After I start my jenkis slave node as administrator it works.

    Best regards,


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